Damage done by biased and corrupt family court judges.

DivorceCorp Family Law Report – Susan Settenbrino Misconduct by Judges

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Family Law Report – Susan Settenbrino- Misconduct by Judges

 DivorceCorp — Joe Sorge interviews NYC attorney Susan Settenbrino about the damage done by biased and corrupt judges. In Part 2, judicial misconduct is discussed in depth. Consider registering for the family law reform conference this November: http://www.divorcecorp.com/reform-2/. People from around the country will be there to discuss how we can work together for meaningful change.

Are Family Law Judges Fit For Purpose?

“Few human rights abuses are so widely condemned, yet so widely practiced. Let us make (child abuse) a priority. Because a child in danger is a child that cannot wait.’
~ Kofi Annan, Former UN Secretary-General
Stand Up For Zoraya



Courts must work toward a shared parenting norm – Miami Herald

Dr. Ned Holstein, founder and board chair of National Parents Organization said: “Unfortunately, however, our nation’s family courts prevent millions of divorced and separated fathers from having meaningful relationships with their children, which only leave their children more vulnerable to this unfortunate behavior.”

“The repeat narrative is deeply troubling,” Holstein said. “An individual who grew up without the love and support of both parents turns to unfathomable, deadly gun violence. This must stop, and one piece of the solution is to ensure children have both parents intimately involved in their lives after separation or divorce… With this in mind, I urge legislators in all states to join the family court reform movement to make shared parenting the new status quo in our society, if both parents are fit and there has been no significant domestic violence.”

stand up for zoraya - 2015

Florida Family Court Miami-Dade STOP Denial of Reasonable Parent/Child Contact – Stand Up For Zoraya!!

We’re asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 1,000 signatures. We care deeply about this cause, and hope you will support our efforts.

Thanks!PAAO - Fam Crt

2 thoughts on “Damage done by biased and corrupt family court judges.

  1. Pingback: Are Family Law Judges Fit For Purpose? | American Fathers

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