A True And Compelling Story About One Father’s Fight For His Daughter

“Changing a child last name (away from the father’s) is an act of venom”

Stand Up For Zoraya

“Changing a child’s last name (away from the father’s) is an act of venom”

~~> No Contact for Daughter and Father
~~> No Reason Needed
~~> Demand Family Court Judge Manno-Schurr’s Immediate Recusal

January 24th, 2015 – I expressed my concerns for Zoraya’s behavior to three Supervised Visitation Monitor/Reporter after visit with daughter. For Zoraya’s safety and well-being!!
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sign petition  ~~ #StandupforZoraya ~~


“Justice is a part of the human makeup. And if you deprive a person of Justice on a continuous basis, it’s really an attack (and not to get religious or anything) but it’s an attack on the human soul. We have, as societies, evolved ideas of Justice and we have done that because human nature needs Justice and it needs resolution. And if you deprive somebody of that long enough they’re going to have reactions…”
~ Juli T. Star-Alexander – Executive Director, Redress, Inc.

Please friends, help us reach as many as we possibly can on this Demand for Reform. This is for the assistance, support, and justice which are often denied because the alienating parents we have lived with, the one who haunts our being, they still hold us captive AND ARE enabled by family court terrorist. This isn’t so much about what’s happened to us, but it is most certainly about what could happen to our children and how our entire system will view what is needed to help these potential victims and hopefully survivors find a recovery process that helps them to live on in happiness. These family court terrorist don’t realize and will never accept responsibility for their actions, so it is up to US, all persons, from these monstrous controllers. Please help and pass this forward, ask those who have been harmed, those who fight for the abused, those who speak up for the RIGHTS OF ALL LIVING BEINGS; we need to see inside these horrific abuses in our homes and the lifelong pains of those who have endured any interaction with Florida’s Family Court.

An Alienated Child and Targeted Parent are desperately trying to maintain a meaningful relationship.

ON January 24th, 2015 – Dad expressed concerns about Zoraya’s to three Supervised Visitation Monitor/Reporter after visit with daughter. The Supervised Visitation Supervisor Linda Fieldstone referred me back to Judge Manno-Schurr and she unjustly suspended my visits and contact with Zoraya.

It’s okay to be with one of my children but not the other???

Judge Valerie Manno-Schurr said to me on February 3rd, 2015 to “find a ‘qualified’ monitor for supervised visitation and you can see your daughter again”

~ Last contact with Zoraya – January 24th, 2015 ~

Over 20 people testified about the problems at the Family Courthouse -Miami-Dade on February 23rd, 2015 to 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida Chief Judge Bertila Soto , Judge Pino, Judge Lee (17th Jud Cir), and Judge Garber (3rd DCA). Ms. Sheila George and I included.

via “Reckless Disregard” A True And Compelling Story About One Father’s Fight.

Thank you so much Ngozi for sharing this article and helping me bring awareness to our cause.

Thank you all who have visited, liked, and shared my blogs. What our family and many others have endured at the hands of these disturbed alienators and our family law courts is atrocious. These are our children who are suffering this abuse. It shouldn’t be happening at all but the fact that it has been going on this long is tragic. We should not be surprised at the number of deaths that occurred last week, all touched by a flawed family law system that fails to protect children and their loving parents who only want to be allowed their God-given parental rights. Family Law courts have become a joke and “In The Best Interest of Children” a grotesque punchline.

I made a promise to my daughter to never give up on her and now I am making one to her mother who has tortured an innocent soul by brainwashing our daughter. I will shout out the truth of what you and the evil, unethical, immoral, malicious, South Florida Garbage Lawyer Joel E. Greenberg (Broward) have done in “reckless disregard” to our daughter until my last breath or until you bring our daughter to my doorstep.
I promise!  

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Learn about how Former Director Loftus and his Majors allowed a crime to happen causing severe injury to a Florida citizen and his daughter. .http://iloveandneedmydaughter.blogspot.com/2013/08/upcoming-expose-on-south-floridas.html — Former Miami-Dade police chief has new gig — in Pittsburgh

Your voice will make a difference. Please sign the petition. 

 Here’s a song I dedicated to my daughter Zoraya. 
Thank you! 
Happy Independence Day!

5 thoughts on “A True And Compelling Story About One Father’s Fight For His Daughter

  1. Pingback: Biggest Civil Rights Problem ~ ITS TIME FOR A WIDE-AWAKE RALLY!! | Children's Rights

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