We’re all human beings doing our best to make the best of this world and our lives

Men's Conference 2016A MEN’S RIGHTS ACTIVIST FAQ

Why this Men’s Rights Activism FAQ?

Though a recent discussion, I’ve come to the understanding that the positions of Men’s Rights Activists are not understood, and this FAQ, a series of granular, bite-sized questions and answers. It is my attempt at not only providing the information, but also of making it easily accessible.

ce89b-i2bpromiseIt is likely that this document, as a whole, will take years to complete to make it comprehensive. It has been started on 2013-11-05 and is subject to constant and massive revision.

This is a work in progress! Please link to the article, do not copy it, as each and every single article is being frequently revised and touched up.

I welcome sincere questions and honest objections asked or stated in a respectful manner. I will expand and edit as my own knowledge on the subject deepens, and as pertinent comments or questions show up.

Remember: We’re all human beings doing our best to make the best of this world and our lives. Some questions or comments may be answered quickly, some may take time. This is purely a matter of my schedule and energy (and honestly, often interest) levels. Some comments or questions might require some thought and research on my part.

I welcome and am motivated by your respectful participation.

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Who we are.

  1. What is a Men’s Rights Activist?

What we do.

  1. What are Men’s Rights Activists working toward?
  2. A list of men’s issues and causes

Perceptions of Men’s Rights Activists.

  1. Why are Men’s Rights Activists so angry?
  2. Are Men’s Rights Activists Misogynists?

Relationship between Men’s Rights Activists and Feminists

  1. Why do Men’s Rights Activists rail against “feminists”?
  2. Men’s Rights Activists relationship to feminists

Lawless America - 2015

I acknowledge that this topic can evoke as much–if not more–heat than light. What we’re aiming for here, is light. I’m more than happy to accept challenging questions and comments, but disrespectful behaviour will be ignored and summarily deleted. All comments are moderated, not to censor voices, not to create “a safe space”, but simply to maintain an atmosphere of respect between humans. Face it: nobody likes dealing with an asshole. Expect that I might rewrite a comment or question for clarity, or to help it fit in with the flow of the questions and answers.

My aim it to provide as accurate a document as possible so that people of good-will can interact as such.

Thanks.children4justice -Equality Not an Issue - 2016


“But you don’t understand what Feminism means, what it’s really about!” ~ Too many Feminists.

Dear Feminist. I have read the dictionary. I’m well aware that the definitions reflect current usage of a word. No matter how much lipstick you put on a pig, it’s still a pig.

A Feminist is what a Feminist does. Here is what the flagship of the Feminist movement says and does. You know, the very National Women’s Organization that Betty Friedan co-founded?

This is how the membership speaks among themselves whilst in impolite company. Read the tone, the accusations and the pathetic logic.

This is your flagship, Dear Feminist.

I offer another grain of sand on the ever-growing beach of Anti-Feminism; we’re glad to encroach on your pool to subsume it until such time the world sees Feminism for what it is. Devoid of its pretension it is little more than stagnating mud.

NOW Foundation Opposes Phony Parental Alienation Disorder

Over the years, hundreds of women have contacted National Organization for Women chapters looking for assistance in their efforts to protect minor children in family court custody proceedings. Often these women have been accused of a phony psychiatric condition, termed Parental Alienation Disorder (PAD). The “disorder” has been proposed by so-called father’s rights (men’s custody) activists to be added to the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostics and Statistics Manual – V to give it more legitimacy than it currently has — or should have — in court.

This accusation is made by abusive ex-husbands and is intended to cause the courts to disregard mothers’ claims of fathers’ physical or sexual abuse in an effort to gain the fathers’ full or joint custody. NOW Foundation is concerned that because of the alienation accusation known batterers and child abusers have been awarded custody; the numbers of cases involving dads in custody disputes abusing and murdering children is appalling. (See link below)

The notion of a parental alienation in custody disputes was advanced by the late Dr. Richard Gardner who committed suicide in 2003. The alienation accusation has been embraced by men’s custody activists as an effective weapon to undermine mothers’ bid for legal custody of minor children. Many advocates on behalf of mothers believe that batterers, child abusers and pedophiles populate these men’s custody networks. There have been numerous instances of documented batterers and child abusers being awarded custody by biased family court judges.

NOW Foundation has sent a letter recently to the American Psychiatric Association noting that publications by the American Bar Association and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges have concluded proposed “alienation disorder” is inadmissible in court and has been discredited by the scientific community. Accordingly, family court judges, lawyers and other court personnel should take action against the use of the alienation accusation in cases before them. Read NOW Foundation’s letter (PDF) and for more information on family court issues, go to the family law website.

More information on fathers and ex-partners involved in child custody or child support matters who have killed children, murdered mothers and/or committed suicide, please visit this website [Note: the page is broken, it redirects to here: Dastardly Dads. -FR].http://www.nowfoundation.org/issues/family/pad.html

Link to highlighted screenshot.

Allow me to quote from dastardlydads.com, the website that NOW officially points to:

Contrary to fathers’ rights propaganda, father perpetrators (along with stepdads and caretaker boyfrends) dominate the most vicious crimes against children: sexual assault, abusive head trauma, murder-suicides, crimes involving gun violence, and other similar forms of physically violent/fatal child abuse. And as more dads are providing child care (either because mom is working and can’t find other care, or because dads are increasingly getting unsupervised visitation/custody through the family courts), more dads are are being found guilty of basic child abuse and neglect as well.

Heads Up: Comments that slander the victims and/or the mother (especially when no criminal charges have been filed against her involving a violent crime) will not be published.

As for praising or excusing molesters, rapists, murderers, or violence-addicted fathers in general as poor, oppressed and/or misunderstood creatures who are “really nice guys”? Those comments won’t be published either.

Don’t waste my time or yours.

ALSO: Please keep in mind that I do not have the time or resources to investigate each crime independently, so I am forced to rely on media reports. I regularly critique these reports, highlighting the obvious omissions, vague or euphemistic language, or logical gaps in the way they are written. But I am seldom in a position to fact check every detail. If you believe the essential facts are incorrect, then contact the reporter or the publication. [Emphasis mine –FR] http://dastardlydads.blogspot.ca/2010/02/76-killer-dads-fathers-who-ended-their.html

Link to screenshot of DastardlyDads.com

Francis Roy's Blog

Because POTATO!11!

Men's Rights?! Wrong! Because POTATO!11!

With thanks to Lucian Valsan for unending inspiration.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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